Janine H
Oct 28, 2020


A lot of words to defend a creeps right to take a photo of a woman in public for his sexual gratification. Whethet it’s legal or not, it’s morally indefensible. Your response reeks of ‘ look how she was dressed, she was clearly asking for it.’ Of course it’s not the same as rape but it’s still a violation and men like you who view women as fair game are the problem.

Do you think #creepshots are perfectly fine? There’s a large group of men who seek out compromising photos of women to share online. Are all these women asking for it too by being female and in public places? Should they have to watch their every move so they don’t slip up and show some flesh? If they bend over and inadvertently flash some ass or boob should some jerk have the right to snap a photo to share with his drooling Neanderthal friends?

As a male you have no idea if what it’s like to be as vulnerable as a woman in public so please refrain from mansplaining what violation is and is not to those who have actually experienced it (unless you’ve been catcalled, touched, abused, followed and photographed without you permission)



Janine H
Janine H

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