According to a comprehensive study “police violence is focused overwhelmingly on men lowest on the socio-economic ladder: in rural areas outside the South, predominately white men; in the Southwest, disproportionately Hispanic men; in mid-size and major cities, disproportionately black men. Significantly, in the rural South, where the population is racially mixed, white men and black men are killed by police at nearly identical rates. What unites these victims of police violence is not their race, but their class status (as well as, of course, their gender).”
Poverty and disadvantage create crime and this is an objective reality, not a moral failing. If you’re born into a poor family you are more likely to become involved in crime, regardless of race. Poor people are killed by police because they have a lot more interaction with them and police are aware they can get away with brutality more easily against this group.
Black people experience higher rates of poverty due to entrenched inequality and racism but making this is a racial issue rather than a class one will not resolve the root cause which is poverty. If you want to claim America is doing just great, I have plenty of evidence to prove that quality of life has plummeted for millions, and this has been exacerbated by COVID.
It’s very nice of you to speak for the whole black community on the subject of socialism but as in any community there are diverse opinions. Your claims black Americans reject socialism are patently false and transparent.
In a recent study “33% of black Democratic primary voters under the age of 45 say the country should move away from capitalism and toward socialism; 13% of those voters 45 and up agree.”
According to another poll “African Americans, younger people, and lower‐income Americans are most suspicious of capitalism and sympathetic to socialism.”
“There is a long and vibrant tradition of socialism and radical political leadership in the black community. Many of black America’s most beloved and respected leaders were socialists.
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a socialist, according to many historians. W.E.B. DuBois was a socialist, and so were civil rights leaders A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin. The most prominent black philosopher today, Cornel West, is a socialist and Sanders' supporter. Hip-hop artists, such as rapper "Killer Mike" and Chuck D of Public Enemy, are also big Sanders supporters.”