But it's okay for you to dismiss the tenants need for security in her home because the landlords need to make an unsolicited and illegal request for sex in lieu of rent is more important?
He on the other hand must protect himself from all the evil scam artists and hackers on dating websites, who he has been taught to fear, even though nothing bad probably would have happened, and he's just having an anxiety attack over nothing.
People rob, cheat and steal but that doesn't mean all online interactions are tainted and wrong. And aren't there risks in all types of relationships anyway? If the tenant agreed to sex for rent, she could still scam him, steal from him or expose him, so why make such a big deal about the risks on sugar daddy websites?
He missed out on the opportunity to find someone online who wanted the same arrangement because he let his fears of 'what if' hold him back and he acted like all sugar babies are monsters.
What a sad state of affairs.