Janine H
Nov 9, 2020


But you stated in your last reply that "Her ass was not exposed, it was covered by her shorts." Now you're claiming it was always on display. So which is it?

You seem to be doing a lot of contorting to try to back up your argument. Do you think maybe that’s because you’re trying to defend the indefensible?

So women you 'talked to' about the subway story thought it was amusing. First of all, how convenient that there's no evidence for this statement, and secondly even if it was true, are you suggesting all women will have exactly the same reaction and attitude? Do you think in the same way as all men? What exactly are you trying to prove here?

Why are you incapable of giving a direct yes or no answer to whether you think #creepshots are predatory? Are you suggesting this is all part of the 'mating process' and therefore acceptable?

Would you be fine with it if a man took a photo of your girlfriend/daughter/sister/mother's tits as she was bending over for his spank bank or to share with his friends?

Your attempt to justify the objectification of women by referring to 'religious indoctrination' and 'patriarchy' are laughable. Thanks so much for mansplaining sexual harassment to women. If only we'd understood that being groped, catcalled and ogled was a compliment!

Some of us have actually evolved beyond animals. I suggest you throw off your patriarchal mindset and stop thinking women's bodies are public property that you have the right to photograph as you please and learn about basic respect.



Janine H
Janine H

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