Janine H
2 min readMar 8, 2021


How am I being 'completely dishonest' when I stated explicitly that the reason they didn't tell him how they felt was because they were concerned about their careers? When someone in power puts you in an awkward position it's hard to stand up to them. THAT'S WHY SEXAUL HARASSMENT LAWS EXIST.

So the women in your office ask you about your sexual preferences and if you'd be interested in having sex with someone their age? Dream on. You probably think every woman who smiles in your direction wants to have sex with you.

Why do you keep referring back to the fact that women in the general public found him attractive? What has this got to do with him sexually harassing his employees? Do you seriously think the women who wrote text messages about how pissed they were at his behaviour also went 'OMG he is being so sexy and flirtatious?"

Only a complete idiot wouldn't realise he was overstepping the mark and sexually harassing his subordinates by asking such personal questions and pretty much inviting them to have sex with him. Sexual harassment education videos are made around these exact scenarios.

Do you expect me to feel bad for you that you don't feel comfortable flirting with women at work? I'm sure the women at your workplace are completely devastated LOL. Plenty of people do start relationships at work and their lives aren't destroyed so obviously workplaces aren't full of vengeful women trying to bring men down.

If you don't want to flirt, don't do it, but don't act like your human rights are being trampled all over because you can't tell your colleagues you want to fuck them.



Janine H
Janine H

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