Janine H
2 min readJan 5, 2020


I guess being called a ‘child’ is better than being referred to as a ‘huge gaping cunt,’ but I digress.

It’s a little ironic that you want to lecture me on male vs female dichotomy when you view ALL women as ‘awful.’ It’s sad that you think you speak for all men too. Thank god the world is full of men who love women and treat them with respect. This article is about a very specific type of man — the ‘sugar daddy,’ many of whom, like you, see women as ‘holes’ and enjoy the feeling of power that comes from being a ‘benefactor’ to a hot young piece.

A lot of men who go for these transactional relationships believe women’s worth is based on their physical attractiveness and they can’t handle it that women are demanding equal rights and respect. Their sense of superiority over women is one of the few things they have to prop up their fragile egos. They believe as men they should be able to have sex with whomever they want, and even though they are average looking or below, it enrages them that the hot women won’t give them the time of day unless they are being paid for it.

Because women’s only reason to exist is to satisfy a man sexually, they would never deign to date an average or unattractive woman. They only go for the most attractive women when seeking a partner and then become bitter and twisted when these women shit all over them. They then claim that ALL women are entitled bitches who get whatever they want simply because they have a vagina.

Clearly I don’t know anything about you, but this is my experience of men who make blanket statements about gender and hold extreme misogynistic views.

There are many well-documented historical and structural reasons why women are underrepresented in boardrooms and experience higher levels of poverty, but you will no doubt claim that any studies I cite are the product of the evil feminist agenda.

There’s really no point trying to have a rational discussion with you about these things when your views are so clouded by your emotions and subjective experience (oh the irony).



Janine H
Janine H

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