I would never presume to speak about ALL men. I said SOME men. As I stated in my previous post, I believe the world is full of great men.
In my experience men with your misogynistic views (a very specific group of men) tend to yearn for the golden era of the 1950s when women were financially dependent, and you’ve confirmed it by stating that there was nothing wrong with the 1950s. The fact that many women felt completely stifled and miserable means nothing to you, because only men’s feelings and experiences matter.
I didn’t state that it was good that I support my partner. You claim that women suck men dry financially and emotionally, but how can this be true when many women support their partners?
It’s hilarious that you’re now accusing me of thinking men are bad and women are good after all your comments about women. You also state that I only think about myself and my own experience. Irony much? Your extremely warped worldview is constructed entirely on your negative experiences with women, but when I bring up my experiences that contradict this worldview, you dismiss them as ‘anecdotal.’ Here’s some news for you; your experiences are not universal.
I did not say that when a man is unhappy in a relationship it’s all his fault. As an adult I understand that life is complicated and relationships break down for all sorts of reasons Sometimes it’s the woman’s fault, sometimes it’s the man’s fault, in most cases both played a part.
How on earth does women’s supposed power make it impossible to tell they’re an awful person before it’s too late? You really enjoy playing the victim card where ‘awful’ women and ‘society’ are responsible for your bad experiences and poor choices. You were just an innocent bystander.
Anyone, male or female, takes a risk of being hurt when they embark on a new relationship. It’s called life and there are no guarantees. Mature adults know how to deal with heartbreak and disillusionment because they have a strong sense of self. Sounds like you’re better off in your ‘sugar daddy’ relationships where there is no risk and no emotion.
“Whatever creepy relationships you have with men, they are not nearly as wonderful for the men as you claim.” Really? So now you’re speaking for the men in my life. LOL