It’s all very nice to say you believe in sustainability but are sceptical about the causes of climate change but it matters immensely if climate change is human induced. Human induced climate change requires urgent action to reduce carbon emissions.
Now that it’s becoming impossible to deny that the temperature is changing the latest ploy of the fossil fuel industry is to claim it’s natural or to state that there’s nothing we can do at this point but 'adapt’. If you want to see what the future looks like without urgent look at Australia’s millions of blackened hectares and billion dead animals. A 'few simple things' to reduce your own carbon emissions doesn’t cut it. It might make you feel good about yourself but what is required is change on a macro level. Predictions made decades ago are coming true and the fossil fuel industry have sat on their own reports for many years confirming that carbon causes warming.
One of the sources you link to is John Robson who has a PhD in history and is a columnist for the National Post. Shocking that a conservative would want to muddy the waters and argue against changes that would be detrimental to the fossil fuel industry! I prefer to get my scientific facts from actual scientists.