So her ass wasn't exposed, but it was always exposed, but only the shape. Got it. Seems like a very Trump-esque argument. Maybe you should join his legal team.
She didn't walk out with her ass uncovered. She bent over while wearing a pair of tight shorts which exposed her skin (as you've admitted) and a man took a photo. It's a direct analogy to my examples..
I asked specifically about #creepshots which involve men taking photos of women's bodies when they are accidentally exposed, which can happen very easily when bending over without thinking about it. It's not just 'bad' women this happens to. You imply no woman associated with you could ever end up in that kind of situation which is quite hilarious considering your views on sexuality. At least you finally gave a definitive answer, which is that women's bodies are fair game because ....'mating.'
And of course you know better than women who have been sexually assaulted and claim that predatory photos are a form of sexual assault because you're so enlightened. LMFAO
Predatory photos have nothing to do with consensual sex or flirting and it says a great deal about you that you think they do and that I should have addressed your comments about 'women's ambivalence towards sex."
Human beings are not driven purely by biological urges. We have self-consciousness and the ability to reflect and make moral choices (calling it judgement creep doesn't change this fact). To suggest we are the same as animals is ludicrous, but it does justify unwanted behaviour which is the whole point of your argument so it's not surprising you've ended up here.
Why stop at photos? Why shouldn't men be allowed to touch whoever they want whenever they want? Why is rape so frowned on when morality is an illusion we're all just animals anyway and women have been brainwashed into being frigid prudes?
Sounds a lot like an argument an incel would make. Good luck with all THAT.