So now, according to you, in addition to being arrogant and condescending, and a bad writer I’m also inane, lazy, childish, simplistic and can’t make a coherent argument.
While you on the other hand are the embodiment of maturity and coherent thought.
Funny because the smart, mature people that I know don’t have to resort to personal insults to get their point across, even when they disagree with someone.
The original poster answered you very reasonably and you still told her to educate herself. Do you see the irony of calling me arrogant while claiming that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and uneducated?
As for your ‘argument,’ you’re the one who built a strawman by suggesting it was claimed that no one in the history of the world has ever condemned older men for marrying or dating younger women. There’s evidence to support everything under the sun as the internet has proven, but we’re talking about the dominant attitude here. It’s not that complicated.
I didn’t suggest men were getting accolades FOR marrying younger women, I was pointing out that they are still celebrated in their careers. Those who are ‘shamed’ for their personal lives are often shunned professionally in Hollywood — Mel Gibson, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski. These men still make movies, but they are controversial and a box office risk.
I don’t ‘lack the capacity to comprehend the difference’ (another insult, what a surprise!) I didn’t think I had to spell it out, just as I didn’t think it was necessary to spell out that I was referring to Hollywood ‘the dream factory,’ not the place.
I didn’t ‘change’ my argument, I added the point that the pairing of older men with much younger women in Hollywood films is another example that this is the norm, and not something men are regularly ‘shamed’ for.