Janine H
2 min readMar 2, 2021


You say you've been abused by previous partners, but what you really mean is that you can't handle the fact that women have power and choices, and you don't get to make all the decisions anymore. Any conflict that occurred in your relationship must have been your fault because men like you can't comprehend that you don't call the shots anymore. You hanker for the days when women were barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and completely dependent on the male, who could treat them however he wanted to.

Do you like it when someone interprets your experiences for you and tells you how you REALLY feel because they know better?

This is exactly what you did to the author when you claimed she's really upset because she's not in a position to abuse the landlord and that her post was really a form of humble bragging, because obviously you know better.

Newsflash: You don't get to tell women when/if they have the right to feel vulnerable when propositioned by someone in a position of power. If you're going to completely disregard someone's experiences and feelings and deny their very real fears then expect to be called out for the giant hypocrite that you are.

BTW where in the article does it state that the landlord represents men?

If men would never get away with treating a woman the way I've supposedly treated you then why are women subjected to frequent abuse online, particularly those who participate in male-dominated areas like gaming? Why have men gotten away with saying far worse things to me here than I've said to you?

I eagerly await your response.



Janine H
Janine H

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