YOU’RE a ‘hole’ and a ‘huge gaping cunt’ seem pretty targeted to me, but since you’re referring to all women, I guess that makes it OK.
If the world recoils in horror when you flash your dick, then maybe don’t flash your dick? That’s what the trauma is about, unwanted sexual advances, not penises per se.
But what would I know anyway? As a woman I spend my days bathing in honeydew while being inundated with compliments about how beautiful and perfect I am. When I cry the whole world rushes to comfort me, and if they don’t, well I just flash my 47-year old pussy to get what I want. Works a charm.
Despite the fact that women are more likely to live in poverty, are paid less, hold far fewer high-level positions and are much more likely to be sexual assaulted, suffer domestic abuse and die at the hands of a partner, we hold all the power.
Got it.